Customer Testimonials

Delighted- K. Walker, Warrogate

Dear Mark, We should like to express our delight and satisfaction upon receipt and fitting of a porthole designed window by Whiteleys and Hallmark Windows. We feel it has enhanced the frontal appearance and internal ambience of the particular room beyond belief. Many thanks for the service and professionalism shown by both companies.
Mr & Mrs K Walker, Harrogate.

Bespoke window

Dear Mark & Richard, We have just installed the bespoke leaded design you created for us, we never thought it would be possible but it looks stunning in our bathroom. Many thanks for your time & effort in creating such an individual design. Regards, Mr Simpson, Harrogate.

Lovely glass

Dear Richard, Thank you for the lovely bevelled glass design you supplied for my new door. Everyone comments on how amazing it looks. Regards, E Noone, Monk Fryston, Leeds.

Great service

Dear Whiteleys, thank you for the great service you provided in manufacturing & delivering my double glazed units. Many thanks. Mr Thompson, Oulton, Leeds.

Wonderful, Mr & Mrs Phillips, Leeds

Dear Mark, The glass you supplied have now been installed & they look wonderful. We are delighted. Many thanks. Mr & Mrs Phillips, Leeds.